Iza uma [ΔE×ΔT≥Ħ2×(1--(V^2/C^2))1]
Muzičko-scenski performans za ansambl, glumce i audiovizuelne projekcije
Stećak je za mene ono što nije za druge, ono što na njem i u njemu nisu drugi umjeli ni znali da vide. Jest kamen, ali jeste i riječ, jest zemlja, ali jeste i nebo, jest materija, ali jeste i duh, jest krik, ali jeste i pjesma, jest smrt, ali jeste i život, jest prošlost, ali jeste i budućnost.
[Mak Dizdar]
Festival kulture Slovo Gorčina 2024 | WISE: Wien – International Soloists Ensemble | Goran Stevanović (acc.) | ensemble echo_von_nichts | Stolac, BiH [26/07/2024] | Video Produktion: DOKSA | Kamera: Zoran Kubura, Vanja Ban, Bojan Hadžiabdić | Drone: Hajrudin Suljić | Schnitt: Bojan Hadžiabdić | Technische Leitung: Zoran Kubura | Sound: Momo Lađević | Produktion: Slovo Gorcina
Location: Radimlja Necropolis UNESCO World Heritage Site
The post-structuralist contextualization of the interrelations between different forms of art, such as literature and music or literature and visual arts, opens exciting possibilities for materialization of concepts, which transcend boundaries of mononuclear models. This approach provides an option for re-evaluation of the perception of reality, laying the groundwork for deeper philosophical reflections on the essence of human existence. Simply put – words and images become witnesses of an idea that opposes the concept of the singular spacetime reality. An artistic work mutates into a form of communication with eternity, becoming a bridge between the material and the immaterial, connecting the tachyonic worlds of immediacy and permanence. By tracing a path into the prairies of human nature, it poses fundamental questions about the being of time, identity and meaning.
The intermedial music performance Iza uma [ΔE×ΔT≥Ħ2×(1–(V^2/C^2))1] is explicitly designed for the Radmilja necropolis and encompasses the entire area. The historical context, location, language, music, light, silence, and the ambient sounds are equaly important components under the overarching umbrella of the artistic concept. The symbolic basis of the work consists of several poems by Mak Dizdar: Ruke, Radimlja, Zapis o štitu, Svatovska. Scenographic interventions, light projections (3D mapping of the entire necropolis), digital sculptures, recontextualization of the ensemble, the design of lighting and sound projections, aim to generate a sense of detachment from reality, positioning Radimlja in a timeless interspace analogous to the Event Horizon.
Iza uma [ΔE×ΔT≥Ħ2×(1–(V^2/C^2))1]: Few words about the title
ΔE×ΔT≥Ħ2×(1–(V^2/C^2))1 is a fictional formula that represents the variation (or extension) of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, combining elements of the energy-time uncertainty principle and elements of relativistic effects in a non-standard form. It embeds the thematic interplay between science, philosophy, and art, reflecting the intricate dynamics of the underlying concept of transience and permanence, material, and immaterial realms, as well as the exploration of temporal and spatial dimensions within the artistic context.
Historical Context
Most of the gravestones date from the 15th and 16th centuries. An inscription on one of the monuments is the most reliable indication of the time of origin. According to this, the necropolis can be linked to the time when the Hrabren-Miloradović family lived in Batnoge or Ošanići. Numerous Illyrian burial mounds in the immediate vicinity indicate the continuation of the tradition of burial next to ancient graves.
The monuments of this necropolis are arranged and aligned in a northwest-southeast direction, with the head of the deceased in the northwest and the feet in the southeast. Limestone from the nearby quarry on Ošanić Hill, about 800 meters northeast of the necropolis, was used for the carving, where an unfinished stećak still stands today. The basic shapes were most likely carved in the quarry itself, while the finishing and decorations were made in the necropolis to avoid damage during transportation.
The necropolis consists of 133 tombstones, 63 of which are decorated, which means that the Radimlja necropolis is one of the most decorated necropolises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Among the decorative motifs, the curved cloverleaf and twisted ribbons stand out in terms of number and workmanship, as well as motifs with symbolic meaning such as the sun (circle), stars and the crescent moon. Particularly noteworthy are the “ducal figures” and male figures with raised arms.
Belma Bešlić-Gál [05/2024]
Iza uma [... making of... ]
Iza uma [ΔE×ΔT≥Ħ2×(1–(V^2/C^2))1] | Site inspection at Radimlja necropolis, Stolac (BiH) | 12. April 2024 | With Lisa Horvath (Stage and Light Projections), Bernhard Gál
Photo Gallery [Premiere]
Festival kulture Slovo Gorčina 2024 | WISE: Wien – International Soloists Ensemble | Goran Stevanović (acc.) | ensemble echo_von_nichts | Stolac, BiH [26/07/2024] | Video Produktion: DOKSA | Kamera: Zoran Kubura, Vanja Ban, Bojan Hadžiabdić | Drone: Hajrudin Suljić | Schnitt: Bojan Hadžiabdić | Technische Leitung: Zoran Kubura | Sound: Momo Lađević | Produktion: Slovo Gorcina
Location: Radimlja Necropolis UNESCO World Heritage Site
Kompozicija, koncept, režija: Belma Bešlić-Gál
Produkcija: Festival kulture Slovo Gorčina
Scenografija i svjetlosne projekcije: Lisa Horvath
Zvučne projekcije: Belma Bešlić-Gál & Bernhard Gál
Zvučna arhitektura: Bernhard Gál (SPES – elektroakustička višekanalna kompozicija)
Digitalne skultpure/AR: Catherine Spet, Ivan Jakarić
Dizajn svjetla: Belma Bešlić-Gál
Recital: Muhamed Hadžović
Kompozicija “Der Asra” (aranžman pjesme “Kraj tanana šadrvana”): Goran Stevanović, WISE-Ensemble, B. Bešlić-Gál (elektronika)
Muzička izvedba: WISE Wien – International Soloists Ensemble / Umjetnički direktor: Andrea Nikolić
Andrea Nikolić [violina]
Angela Chia Chen Lin [violina]
Weronika Izert [viola]
Jadwiga Roguska [violončelo]
Ivana Nikolić [oboa]
Solista: Goran Stevanović [harmonika]
Ansambl „echo_von_nichts“
Pina Bettina Rücker [kvarcne posude]
Ingala Fortagne [glas]
Producent: Gorčin Dizdar
Asistent produkcije: Hana Elezović
Tehnička produkcija: Miro Putica, Masters Media
Rasvjeta: Benjamin Mujezinović
Ton: Momo Lađević
Video produkcija: DOKSA
Kamera: Zoran Kubura, Vanja Ban, Bojan Hadžiabdić
Dron: Hajrudin Suljić
Montaža: Bojan Hadžiabdić
Sponzori i partneri:
Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA7)
Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport
Fondacija Mak Dizdar
Buybook Doo
Austrijski kulturni forum
Mostarski teatar mladih
Federalno ministarstvo kulture i sporta
Federalno ministarstvo raseljenih osoba i izbjeglica
Ministarstvo kulture i sporta Kantona Sarajevo
Fondacija za muzičke, scenske i likovne umjetnosti Sarajevo
Fondacija za izdavaštvo
Ministarstvo obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta HNK
Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i zaštite okoliša HNK
Turistička zajednica HNK
OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zavod za ginekologiju, perinatologiju i neplodnost “Mehmedbašić”
UNIQA osiguranje u BiH
Sparkasse Bank BiH
La Terra nostra
Carski Vinogradi Mostar
City Šped
Hercegovina Auto
HA Hotel Mostar
Radio Mix
Posebna zahvala:
JU Radimlja
JP „Elektroprivreda HZ HB” – Poslovnica Stolac
Dubravko Barbarić
Vesna Pirija
Aldin Krgo
Emina Sarvan
Emir Handžo
Stolac, 2024