Belma Bešlić-Gál | 1978 [Tuzla, SFR Yugoslavia]
Belma Bešlić-Gál @mudstudiovienna [04/2023]
Fashion: Goran Bugarić | Photography: Svetlana Gazić | Hair and Make up: Ana Jakšić, Ieva Gun @mudstudiovienna © 2023
Rođena 1978. godine u industrijskom gradu Tuzli, Bosna i Hercegovina, Socijalistička Federativna Republika Jugoslavija. Kompozitorka, pijanistkinja, kustoskinja i umjetnica. Živi i radi u Beču (Austrija).
Elementarno muzičko obrazovanje stiče u rodnom gradu gdje pohađa Osnovnu i Srednju muzičku školu u klasi profesorice Planinke Jurišić-Atić. Studij klavira (umjetnički smjer) na Muzičkoj akademiji Franz Liszt u Vajmaru (Gerlinde Otto, Lazar Berman), te kompozicije, teorije muzike i muzičkog pozorišta na Univerzitetu umjetnosti u Gracu (Bernhard Lang, Klaus Lang). Učešće na master kursevima u Darmštatu i Minhenu (Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik, Akademie für Neue Musik) sa Brianom Ferneyhoughom, Rebeccom Saunders, Raphaëlom Cendoom, Wolfgangom Rihmom, Germánom Toro-Pérezom. Umjetnička suintendantica Interdisciplinarnog festivala za muziku i zvučnu umjetnost shut up and listen! u Beču.
Njena umjetnička djela obuhvataju orkestarske, kamerne i solo kompozicije, kompozicije za muzičko pozorište, audiovizuelne instalacije, medijsku umjetnost, te književnost. Kombinujući instrumente, svjetlost i skulpture, kao i arhitektonske koncepte i audiovizuelne projekcije, fokusira se na istraživanje načina manipulacije senzornim percepcijama publike. Ostale važne oblasti njenog transdisciplinarnog pristupa različitim reprezentacijama savremene kompozicije uključuju integraciju egzistencijalističkih i futurističkih ideja i koncepata, uticaj mikrogravitacije i kosmologije na hipotetičku (vanzemaljsku) umjetnost budućnosti, kao i destruktivne efekte reakcionizma i nacionalizma na (postjugoslovensku) umjetnost, kulturu i društvo uopšte.
Bešlić-Gál je dobitnica mnogobrojnih nagrada i priznanja, između ostalog: Arbeitsstipendium für Komposition 2024 der Stadt Wien, Staatsstipendium für Komposition 2024, SKE Publicity Award 2019, Staatsstipendium für Komposition 2014, I z S Kunst & Kulturpreis der Ingrid zu Solms Stiftung, Internationales Arbeitsstipendium “Composer in Residence-Komponistinnen nach Frankfurt 2011, Arbeitsstipendium 2012 Savezne države Salzburg, Kompositionsförderung der Stadt Wien 2014, 2015… Stalna je članica Udruženja austrijskih kompozitora (ÖKB) i Međunarodne asocijacije za savremenu muziku (IGNM, Sektion Österreich).
RADIO PORTRETI* Ö1 Zeit-Ton Porträt. Belma Beslic-Gál // Atelier für Neue Musik: Belma Beslic – Gál_Radio Feature, Part I // Atelier für Neue Musik: Belma Beslic – Gál_Radio Feature, Part II // Vom Nichts – Porträt Belma Bešlić-Gál | 09/03/2013_23:05 h | hr2-kultur, “The Artist's Corner” | Gestaltung: Stefan Fricke // Ö1 Zeit-Ton // Querschnitte – Porträt Belma Bešlić-Gál | 01/03/2015 | RAI Südtirol | Gestaltung: Manuela Kerer // Ö1 Zeit-Ton | Styriarte 2015 – Gli Scherzi // Ö1 Zeit-Ton: Zeit-Ton extended // Ö1 Zeit-Ton: styriarte 2016. Große Töchter // Ö1 Zeit-Ton: IGNM @ prattica E: Elektronik und … (Teil 2)
ASSORTED REVIEWS [english only]
The fascination of vastness, the unreachable and the spherical resonate in Bešlić-Gál´s compositions as she slowly creates iridescent “sound organisms” emerging from nothingness. Far from formal structures, the individual parts that merge into homogeneous sounds follow their own laws of continuous change and, with their course that neither begins nor ends, suspend the common sense of time. In these sources of inspiration, which lie beyond everyday perception, and the new world formed from them, there is also criticism of prevailing circumstances, such as that of the post-war societies of the Western Balkans. Her early career as a pianist also strengthened her “aversion” to the concert establishment and established performance practice. With interdisciplinary works that reinforced notions of the previously unheard expressed in music, she battles these conventions with subtle soundscapes.
Doris Weberberger [micaaustria]
An expert jury consisting of Dr. Julia Cloot (Institute for Contemporary Music at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts), Susanne Swerdloff (composer), Stefan Fricke (Hessischer Rundfunk), Nina Janßen (Ensemble Modern) and Dr. Cornelia Preissinger (Board of Directors of Internationaler Arbeitskreis Frau und Musik e. V.), decided in favor of Belma Bešlić-Gál after closely examining the 80 submissions from international women composers. […] The titles of Belma Bešlić-Gál´s works, such as “A search for time distortion” or “Nihil fit sine causa” reveal the themes with which the composer has been dealing with intensively in recent years. In her intermedial music compositions, for example, she has dealt with futurism, nihilism, space exploration and the manipulation of time perception. Her creative and multi-layered compositions with future potential prompted the jury's decision to invite her to Frankfurt as “Composer in Residence”.
SPACE=WOW (BUT I STILL MISS YOU, EARTH) premiered on May 16, 2017, at the KULTUM, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Graz is a commissioned work to the Austrian literati Christoph Szalay (*1987). Together, the artists developed a delicate fabric of text and sound, which chooses the Mars mission planned for the year 2035 as a starting point to address Planet Earth and its inhabitants. The performance space becomes a surreal place in which the hierarchy of the ensemble dissolves and instrumentalists, conductor and singer act as equal participants, travelling through space-time. Sound sources of all kinds are hidden and form a symbiosis with the space and the bodies being present, with language and with light. Thereby an organic unity of sound space, darkness and being emerges, which raises questions and stimulates reflection.
Elfriede Reissig, Composing Women | ‘Femininity’ and Views on Cultures, Gender and Music of Southeastern Europe since 1918, Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2022, S. 70.